As I am sure you are aware, the world has turned its attention to the UN Climate Conference (COP26) in Glasgow these past weeks where world leaders are sharing progress on their climate commitments and discussing what must be accomplished to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
It is now clear if we are to stop the irreparable destruction of our surroundings and natural environments the time for half measures, concessions and outdated targets are over. As Barrack Obama said in Glasgow, “We can’t afford to stay where we are. The world has to step up and it has to step up now,” he said. “There are times when I am doubtful that humanity can get its act together before it’s too late.” Truly, forward is the only way to go.
Today, and in the foreseeable future, we are in the race of our lifetimes: a race against the climate clock that ticks faster with every ton of greenhouse gas (GHG) emitted into our atmosphere. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities and therefore the climate’s worst enemy. Goals will not be met unless the attitude is developed that we are all part of the problem and must do our collective part, yes, each of us.
The only way we will deal with the global climate crisis is by focusing on its main contributor: energy production and energy use, which represent 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions. We all must be focused on transforming how we produce and use energy. The goal is simple.
Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet solution, getting to net-zero will be an immense challenge. It means transforming virtually every activity in modern life and every major sector of the economy: electricity, buildings, manufacturing, transportation, and agriculture.
If the community acts together today, we can mitigate and even prevent the worst effects of climate change. Now is the time to step up and help protect life on this planet to use all creativity and determination possible.
The question is, can people rise to this challenge? I would never have thought we would have ever joined globally and collectively to fight for anything.
Then with Covid, individuals, states, provinces, countries, governments, industries, all come together to fight this pandemic. Ok, we are not there as yet, and many mistakes have been made, but we have learned immensely from this.
It’s time to get together once again, in an even more dreadful scenario, the ruin of life as we know it on OUR Planet. Can our world rise to this challenge? Yes, we can!
Energy Efficiency
It is estimated that around 55% of CO2 reductions are linked to individual choices. It is time to take responsibility and review all we can do to stop wasting and start conserving energy. Energy not used is energy saved. Not using energy makes the transition to clean, renewable energy infrastructure easier.
In this series of articles, we will develop the concept of how we can make our environment cleaner by conserving energy. Beginning with us at home, our office, then moving into manufacturing and industrial energy-efficient applications.
The first step in energy-efficient actions is measurement. You have to know where you are in order to do something.
Before beginning any retrofits, it is best to first know where the energy is being lost. Just telling people that there are problems…somewhere… does not gain much interest. But showing proof with an image they become interested. You have heard the adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. The Nondestructive Test instrumentation that does the best job of clearly, simply, and remotely identifying energy gain or loss is Infrared Thermography. Thermal images are used to clearly identify energy waste and identify upgrade opportunities.

There are many additional examples within the above sectors and subsectors this will be developed in subsequent articles and blogs.
In conclusion, COP26 was the biggest and most important climate-related conference on the planet. It has clearly shown us the clock is ticking. Now is the time to act, we are in the fight of our lives, and this fight must be won. This time we all must take responsibility and bold actions- not gradual changes- to do all we can do to stop wasting and start conserving energy. Failure to address the climate crisis at the scale and speed necessary threatens the future of humanity. We can never give up. Never retreat.
The measure of a man is what he does with power — Plato